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19th September 2024

Hey there

It has indeed been a while. Unfortunately, I’ve been out of the game for some time due to being diagnosed with a serious spinal disorder which has left me on my back for eleven months. Thankfully due to the most wonderful Dr Gulve, I has surgery in June 2024 and I’m back on track again. That means I can actually sit up again. Which means, dear readers, I can now write again.

I’m currently editing a YA book with Bloomsbury, which is called Surkhull Bay, and should be out next year. I’m also in the throes of my new novel One Green Bottle which should also be out in 2025 so a busy year ahead.

Finally I’m writing a series, and recording a podcast, with new2thescene about my life, mental health struggles and how writing has been my saviour through all the difficult times that have arisen in our family.

Will be back again soon with much more detail, but the main reason for the post was to update you with my new email address should you feel you want to get in touch about my books, writing, mental health or just need someone to talk to. It’s now:

Best, and with love as always,